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noun | in·â€‹teg·â€‹ri·â€‹ty | \ in-ˈte-grÉ™-tÄ“

1. The quality or state of being complete or undivided.

2. An unimpaired condition. 

3. Uprightness.

Synonyms: unification, wholeness, completeness, soundness, cohesion, strength, stability.

About Us

What Is Rolfing Structural Integration?

Rolfing® Structural Integration is a sophisticated bodywork modality that helps people to move easier and feel better in their bodies. Utilizing soft tissue manipulation and movement education, Rolfing works to bring the physical structure into alignment with gravity. Structurally, it frees fixations in the connective tissue and corresponding structures. Functionally, it frees fixations in perception and coordination.  


Rolfing sessions may be done individually or in a series where each session builds upon the last and prepares the body for the next. Pain and strain are released, and the body returns to a more natural, effortless alignment. The benefits of Rolfing remain long after the work is complete.

How Does It Work?

Rolfing Structural Integration reorganizes the body’s connective tissue. Connective tissue includes all of the tendons and ligaments and the fascia that wraps around all of the muscles and internal organs. Fascia attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs. It truly is the organ of form.

Who Uses It?

Rolfing is great for anyone who wants to feel better in their body and is open to an interactive, educational experience.

How Is Rolfing Different From Massage?

Using slow, deep, intentional touch and movement education, Rolfers affect body posture and structure over the long term. Unlike massage, which often focuses on relaxation and relief of muscle discomfort, Rolfing works to improve body alignment and functioning. Rolfers work to create overall ease and balance throughout the entire structure, rather than just focusing on the place that hurts. As structure becomes more organized, chronic strain patterns are alleviated and clients are able to embody more refined patterns of movement.

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The Ten-Series

The ten-series is a lasting, multisession process that looks at the body as a whole and works to improve relationships between the different functioning parts.  Unlike other forms of bodywork that just focus on the place that hurts, Rolfing focuses on improving the organization of the entire structure. Although massages are relaxing, they are not effective at creating long term change in the body because the area that hurts is often a compensatory issue. Focusing on where it hurts goes after the symptom, not the problem.


Designed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf, the ten-series protocol systematically reorganizes the entire body. The first three sessions focus on the superficial layers of connective tissue. Sessions four through seven remove strain from deeper layers of the body. The remaining three sessions integrate the body as a whole. The ten-series is like a recipe for better balance, enhanced freedom of movement, and higher energy. Although the structural goals may be similar, the same session may look very different from client to client based on structural and functional patterns and behaviors. Each session is as unique as the person receiving it. The amount of time between sessions in a ten series varies and is determined on an individual basis. Most clients schedule sessions weekly or biweekly. 

Benefits Of Rolfing



• Improve posture and range of motion

• Reduce tension, pain, and stress

• Move with more fluidity and grace

• Integrate major life events                

• Be more comfortable in your own skin

• Increase energy levels                           

• Improve coordination and balance         

• Enhance body awareness           

• Personal Growth       

• Speed up injury recovery

• Improve movement and circulation around joints

• Improve athletic performance

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Reasons People Seek Rolfing



• Back Pain

• Neck Pain

• Headaches

• Frozen Shoulder

• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


• Plantar Fasciitis 

• Tendonitis

• Scoliosis

• Scar Tissue

• Stress

• Trauma

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What To Wear For A Rolfing Session?

Some clients are comfortable receiving work in their underwear. Boxer briefs are preferable to boxers for men. Traditional bra and panties work well for women. A pair of lose fitting gym shorts or stretchy, yoga shorts are good options. I can work with a variety of clothing. Just keep in mind Rolfing requires you to get up from the table and walk around periodically. Unlike massage, Rolfing does not utilize draping. I need to be able to see your body while I am working and during pre and post session assessments. Clothing should not pinch or bind. You should be able to lie on the table and pull one knee to your chest without resistance.

Where Did Rolfing Come From?

Rolfing® structural integration is named after its creator, Dr. Ida P. Rolf. Dr. Rolf received her Ph.D. in biochemistry from Columbia University in 1920 and furthered her knowledge of the body through her scientific work in organic chemistry at the Rockefeller Institute. Her extensive search for solutions to family health problems led her to examine many systems that studied the effect of structure on function, including yoga, osteopathy and chiropractic medicine. Dr. Rolf combined her research with her scientific knowledge to stimulate a deeper appreciation of the body’s structural order, resulting in the theory and practice of Rolfing. There are more than 1,950 Certified Rolfers worldwide. The Rolf Institute’s international headquarters is located in Boulder, Colorado, with offices in Germany, Brazil, and Japan.

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Contact Us

Integrity Bodywork LLC

Integrity Bodywork LLC is located near 29th and Oliver. Please contact me by phone to schedule an appointment or to ask me any questions.


Tel: 316-992-1845


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